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Pubg new state
You all know how many pubg lovers are there in India, while once pubg ban has been done in India, but now a lot of time pubg new state apk download has come, now it has been made available for pre-registration on Google play store Let me tell you
The pre-order date for ios has not been announced yet, the trailer of pubg new state has just been released, as well as a website has been created from it, they have told in their website that the players who pre-order this game When ordering, they will get permanent vehicle skin.
Pubg new maps, weapons and drones
The new game will be multiplayer, in which you will get to see new weapons, drones and new maps, which will give you more interest in playing, pubg new state will be made available to you for Android and ios. pubg studio has said – that ultra-realistic graphics will come with the game, mobile gaming limits will be increased
In the trailer of pubg new state you will see the Battle Royal setting, which is very similar to pubg mobile. Right now due to ban on pubg in India, it is not available for pre-registration in India but let us know – first pubg mobile The publisher was tencent but the publisher krafton has been created for this new pub, which is expected to return to India.
Pubg new state apk download
Everyone wants to play this game because this game is very much interested, now its trailer and its pre-registration has started, if you want to download then you have to wait, soon you will be provided this game and with it- Along with pubg new state apk download will also be found.
If you want to download it from the play store, then you will also be given a download link with the help of which you can download it, now you can not download it, you can pre-register.
About the post
I hope that you did not like what was given to you in this post, as you have been given some information about pubg new state apk download, you also know that there is no pre-registration due to being banned in pubg India. Can do.
If you like this information, then share this post with all your friends so that they also get to know about this new game.
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